Pubmed and Google Scholar listings
Tissue Engineering cover 2016
JBMR cover 2018
JHC cover 2019
Biomaterials Forum cover 2021
Journal Articles
- Golebiowska AA, Tan M, Ma AWK, Nukavarapu SP, "Decellularized Cartilage Tissue Bioink Formulation for Osteochondral Graft Development," Biomed. Mater., 20 (2), 2025.
- Golebiowska AA, Intravaia JT, Sathe V, Kumbar SG, Nukavarapu SP, "Engineered Osteochondral Scaffolds with Bioactive Cartilage Zone for Enhanced Articular Cartilage Regeneration," Ann. Biomed. Eng., 1-15, 2024.
- Ghosh S, Singh R, Goap JP, Sunnapu O, Vanwinkle ZM, Li H, Nukavarapu SP, Dryden WP, Haribabu B, Vemula PK, Jala VR, "Inflammation-Targeted Delivery of Urolithin A Mitigates Chemical and Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Induced Colitis," J. Nanobiotechnology, 22 (1), 701, 2024.
- Golebiowska AA, Jala VR, Nukavarapu SP, "Decellularized Tissue Induced Cellular Recruitment for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine," Ann. Biomed. Eng., 52 (7), 1835-1847, 2024.
- Ghosh S, Nukavarapu SP, Jala VR, "Effects of Heavy Metals on Gut Barrier Integrity and Gut Microbiota," Microbiota and Host, 2 (1), 2024.
- Golebiowska AA, Intravaia JT, Sathe VM, Kumbar SG, Nukavarapu SP, "Decellularized Extracellular Matrix Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies: Advances, Challenges, and Clinical Prospects," Bioact. Mater., 32, 2024.
- Ansari MAA, Dash M, Camci-Unal G, Jain PK, Nukavarapu SP, Ramakrishna S, et al., "Engineered Stimuli-Responsive Smart Grafts for Bone Regeneration," Curr. Opin. Biomed. Eng., 2023.
- Abdulmalik S, Gallo J, Nip J, Katebifar S, Arul M, Lebaschi A, Munch LN, Bartly JM, Choudhary S, Kalajzic I, Banasavadi-Siddegowdae YK, Nukavarapu SP, SG Kumbar, "Nanofiber Matrix Formulations for the Delivery of Exendin-4 for Tendon Regeneration: In Vitro and In Vivo Assessment," Bioact. Mater. 25, 42-60, 2023.
- Intravaia JT, Graham T, Kim HS, Nanda HS, Kumbar SG, Nukavarapu SP, "Smart Orthopedic Biomaterials and Implants," Curr. Opin. Biomed. Eng. 25, 2023.
- Ramos DM, Abdulmalik S, Arul M, Sardashti N, Banasavadi-Siddegowda Y, Nukavarapu SP, Drissi H, Kumbar SG, "Insulin-Functionalized Bioactive Fiber Matrices with Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cells in Rat Achilles Tendon Regeneration," ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2022, 5, 6, 2851–2861.
- Ansari A, Golebiowska A, Dash M, Kumar P, Jain PK, Nukavarapu SP, Ramakrishna S, Nanda HS, "Engineering Biomaterials to 3D-Print Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration: Practical and Theoretical Consideration," Biomaterials Science, 2022.
- Kim H, Kumbar SG, Nukavarapu SP, "Amorphous silica fiber matrix biomaterials: An analysis of material synthesis and characterization for tissue engineering," Bioactive Materials 19, 155-166, 2023.
- Wang Z, Xiao X, Nukavarapu SP, Kumbar S, Rajasekaran S. "Machine Learning Techniques in Structure-Property Optimization of Polymeric Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering," EPiC Series in Computing, 2022.
- Golebiowska A, Nukavarapu SP. "Bio-inspired zonal-structured matrices for bone-cartilage interface engineering," Biofabrication, 2022.
- Nanda HS, Thomas V, Nukavarapu SP, Boccaccini AR. "Biomaterials 2021: Future of Biomaterials," Curr Opin Biomed Eng., 18, 2021.
- Kim H, Kumbar SG and Nukavarapu SP. “Biomaterial-induced Cell Programming For Tissue Engineering,” Curr Opin Biomed Eng., 17, 2021.
- Harmon MD, Ramos DM, Nithyadevi D, Bordett R, Rudraih S, Nukavarapu SP, Moss IL, Kumbar SG. “Correction: Growing a backbone–functional biomaterials and structures for intervertebral disc (IVD) repair and regeneration: challenges, innovations, and future directions” Biomaterials Science 9 (6), 2021, 2322-2323.
- Dorcemus D, Kim H and Nukavarapu SP. “Gradient Scaffold with Spatial Growth Factor Loading for Osteochondral Interface Engineering,” Biomedical Materials, 2021.
- Harmon MD, Ramos DM, Duraisamy N, Bordett R, Rudraiah S, Nukavarapu SP, Moss I and Kumbar SG. "Growing a Backbone–Functional Biomaterials and Structures for Intervertebral Disc (IVD) Repair and Regeneration: Challenges, Innovations, and Future Directions," Biomaterials Science, 2020.
- Mikael P, Golebiowska A, Kumbar SG, Nukavarapu SP. "Evaluation of autologously derived biomaterials and stem cells for bone tissue engineering," Tissue Engineering A, 2020, In press
- Ferrigno B, Bordett R, Duraisamy N, Moskow J, Arul MR, Rudraiah S, Nukavarapu SP, Vella AT, Kumbar SG. "Bioactive polymeric materials and electrical stimulation strategies for musculoskeletal tissue repair and regeneration," Bioact Mater. 2020 Apr 7;5(3):468-485. doi: 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2020.03.010.
- Suvarnapathaki S, Nguyen MA, Wu X, Nukavarapu SP and Camci-Unal G. "Synthesis and characterization of photocrosslinkable hydrogels from bovine skin gelatin," RSC Advances 9 (23), 13016-13025.
- Xin X, Jiang X, Wang L, Mikael P, McCarthy MB, Chen L, Mazzocca AD, Nukavarapu SP, Lichtler AC, Rowe DW. "Histological Criteria that Distinguish Human and Mouse Bone Formed Within a Mouse Skeletal Repair Defect,"J Histochem Cytochem. 2019 Mar 8:22155419836436. (Featured on cover)
- Mikael PE, Golebiowska AA, Xin X, Rowe DW, Nukavarapu SP. "Evaluation of an Engineered Hybrid Matrix for Bone Regeneration via Endochondral Ossification," Ann Biomed Eng (2019).
- Xu TO, Kim HS, Stahl T, Nukavarapu SP (2018) “Self-neutralizing PLGA/magnesium composites as novel biomaterials for tissue engineering” Biomed Mater. 13, 035013.
- Kotecha M, Dorcemus D, Nukavarapu SP, Sriram R, Halpern H (2018) “Noninvasive Absolute EPR Oxygen Imaging for the Assessment of Tissue Graft Oxygenation” Tissue Eng Part-C, 24, 14-19.
- Mikael P, Hyun K, Nukavarapu SP (2018) “Hybrid Extracellular Matrix Design for Cartilage-Mediated Bone Regeneration” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part-A, 106, 300-309. (featured on cover)
- Dorcemus DL and Nukavarapu SP. Tissue Engineering of Skeletal Tissues. Reference Module in Biomedical Research, 2018.
- Dorcemus D, George E, Dealy C, Nukavarapu SP (2017) “Harnessing External Cues: Development and Evaluation of an In Vitroculture system for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering” Tissue Eng Part A. 23, 719-737.
- Amini AR, Xu TO, Chidambaram R, Nukavarapu SP (2016) “Oxygen Tension Controlled Matrices with Osteogenic and Vasculogenic Cells for Vascularized Bone Regeneration In Vivo” Tissue Eng Part A, 22, 610-620. (featured on cover)
- Majumdar S, Pothirajan P, Dorcemus D, Nukavarapu SP, Kotecha M (2016) “High Field Sodium MRI Assessment of Stem Cell Chondrogenesis in a Tissue-Engineered Matrix” Ann Biomed Eng., 44, 1120-1127.
- Mikael PE, Xin X, Urso M, Jiang X, Wang L, Barnes B, Lichtler AC, Rowe DW, Nukavarapu SP (2014) “A Potential Translational Approach for Bone Tissue Engineering Through Endochondral Ossification” IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc., 3925-3928.
- Mikael P, Amini AR, Basu J, Arellano-Jimenez MJ, Laurencin CT, Sanders M, Carter BC, Nukavarapu SP (2014) “Functionalized Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Scaffolds for Bone Regenerative Engineering: Fabrication, In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation” Biomedical Materials., 9, (Editor’s pick, 2014)
- Pothirajan P, Dorcemus D, Nukavarapu SP, Kotecha M (2014) “True MRI Assessment of Stem Cell Chondrogenesis in a Tissue Engineered Matrix” IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc., 3933-3936.
- Amini AR, Nukavarapu SP (2014) “Oxygen Tension Controlled Matrices for Enhanced Osteogenic Cell Survival and Performance” Ann Biomed Eng., 42, 1261-1270.
- Nukavarapu SP, Dorcemus D (2013) “Osteochondral Tissue Engineering: Current Strategies and Challenges” Biotechnology Advances, 31, 706-721.
- Igwe J, Mikael P, Nukavarapu SP “Design, Fabrication and In Vitro Evaluation of a Novel Polymer-Hydrogel Hybrid Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering” J Tissue Eng Regen Med., 8, 131–142.
- Amini AR, Adams D, Laurencin CT, Nukavarapu SP (2012) “Optimally Porous and Biomechanically Compatible Scaffolds for Large Area Bone Regeneration” Tissue Eng Part A., 18, 1376-1388.
- Amini AR, Laurencin CT, Nukavarapu SP (2012) “Bone Tissue Engineering: Recent Advances and Challenges” Crit Rev Biomed Eng. 40, 363-408.
- Amini AR, Laurencin CT, Nukavarapu SP (2012) “Differential Analysis of Peripheral Blood- and Bone Marrow-Derived Endothelial Progenitor Cells for Enhanced Vascularization in Bone Tissue Engineering” J Orthop Res., 30, 1507-1515.
- Nukavarapu SP, Amini AR (2011) “Optimal Scaffolds and Effective Progenitor Cells for the Regeneration of Vascularized Bone” IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc., 2464-2467.
- Mikael P, Nukavarapu SP (2011) “Functionalized Carbon Nanotube Composite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering: Prospects and Progress” Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Eng. 1, 76-85.
- Amini AR, Wallace J, Nukavarapu SP (2011) “Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of Orthopedic Biodegradable Implants” Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants, 21, 93-122.
- Taylor ED, Nair LS, Nukavarapu SP, McLaughlin S, Laurencin CT (2010) “Novel Nanostructured Scaffolds as Therapeutic Replacement Options for Rotator Cuff Disease” J Bone Joint Surg Am., 92, 170-179.
- Deng M, Nair LS, Nukavarapu SP, Jiang T, Kanner WA, Li X, Kumbar SG, Weikel AL, Krogman NR, Allcock HR, Laurencin CT (2010) “Dipeptide-Based Polyphosphazene and Polyester Blends for Bone Tissue Engineering” Biomaterials, 31, 4898-908.
- Jiang T, Nukavarapu SP, Deng M, Jabbarzadeh E, Kofron MD, Doty SB, Abdel-Fattah WI, Laurencin CT (2010) “Chitosan-Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) Microsphere Based Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering: In Vitro Degradation and In Vivo Bone Regeneration Studies” Acta Biomaterilia, 6, 3457-3470.
- Deng M, Nair LS, Nukavarapu SP, Kumbar SG, Brown JL, Krogman NR, Weikel AL, Allcock HR, Laurencin CT (2010) “Biomimetic, Bioactive Etheric Polyphosphazene-Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) Blends for Bone Tissue Engineering” Biomed. Mater. Res. A., 92, 114-25.
- Deng M, Nair LS, Nukavarapu SP, Kumbar SG, Jiang T, Weikel AL, Krogman NR, Allcock HR, Laurencin CT (2010) “In situ Porous Structures: A Unique Polymer Erosion Mechanism in Biodegradable Dipeptide-Based Polyphosphazene and Polyester Blends Producing Matrices for Regenerative Engineering” Advanced Functional Materials, 20, 2794-2806.
- Krogman NR, Weikel AL, Kristhart KA, Nukavarapu SP, Deng M, Nair LS, Laurencin CT, Allcock HR (2009) “The Influence of Side Group Modification in Polyphosphazenes on Hydrolysis and Cell Adhesion of Blends with PLGA” Biomaterials, 30, 3035-3041.
- Krogman NR, Weikel AL, Kristhart KA, Nukavarapu SP, Nair LS, Laurencin CT, Allcock HR (2009) “Hydrogen Bonding in Blends of Polyesters with Dipeptide-Containing Polyphosphazenes” Applied Polymer Science, 115, 431-437.
- Laurencin CT, Kumbar SG, Nukavarapu SP (2009) “Nanotechnology and Orthopedics: A Personal Perspective” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, 1, 6-10.
- Deng M, Nair LS, Nukavarapu SP, Kumbar SG, Jiang T, Krogman NR, Singh A, Allcock HR, Laurencin CT (2008) “Miscibility and In Vitro Osteocompatibility of Biodegradable Blends of Poly[(ethyl alanato) (p-phenyl phenoxy) phosphazene] and Poly(lactic acid-glycolic acid)” Biomaterials, 29, 337-49.
- Kumbar SG, Nukavarapu SP, James R, Nair LS, Laurencin CT (2008) “Electrospun Poly(lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) Scaffolds for Skin Tissue Engineering” Biomaterials, 29, 4100–4107.
- Kumbar SG, Nukavarapu SP, James R, Laurencin CT (2008) “Electrospun Nanofiber Scaffolds: Engineering Soft Tissues” Materials, 3, 34002.
- Kumbar SG, Nukavarapu SP, James R, Hogan MV, Laurencin CT (2008) “Recent Patents on Electrospun Biomedical Nanostructures: An Overview” Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering, 1, 68-78.
- Nukavarapu SP, Kumbar SG, Brown JL, Krogman NR, Weikel AL, Hindenlang MD, Nair LS, Allcock HR, Laurencin CT (2008) “Polyphosphazene/Nano-hydroxyapatite Composite Microsphere Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering” Biomacromolecules, 9(7), 1818-1825.
- Kumbar SG, Bhattacharyya S, Nukavarapu SP, Khan Y, Nair LS, Laurencin CT (2006) “In Vitro and In Vivo Characterization of Poly(organophosphazenes) for Biomedical Applications” Inorg. Organomet. Polym. Mater., 16, 365-385.
- Nukavarapu SP, J Wang, RK Pattnaik, H Jain, J Toulouse (2006) "Preform Fabrication and Drawing of KNbO3 Modified Tellurite Glass Fibers" Journal of non-crystalline solids, 352 (6-7), 519-523.
- J Wang, Nukavarapu SP, K Kiang, RK Pattnaik, J Toulouse, H Jain (2006) "Source of Optical Loss in Tellurite Glass Fibers" Journal of non-crystalline solids, 352 (6-7), 510-513.
- Nukavarapu SP, KBR Varma (2005) "Crystallization Kinetics of the LiBO2–Nb2O5 Glass Using Differential Thermal Analysis" Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 88 (2), 357-361.
- BH Venkataraman, Nukavarapu SP, KBR Varma, V Rodriguez, M Maglione, R Vondermuhll, J Etourneau (2005) "Optical Diffraction of Second-Harmonic Signals in the Glasses Induced by Self-Organized Crystallites" Applied Physics Letters, 87 (9), 091113.
- Nukavarapu SP, KBR Varma (2003) "Structural and Dielectric Properties of Ferroelectric Sr1− xBaxBi2 (Nb0. 5Ta0. 5) 2O9 and Sr0. 5Ba0. 5Bi2 (Nb1− yTay) 2O9 Ceramics" Materials Research Bulletin, 38 (2), 195-206.
- Nukavarapu SP, KBR Varma (2003) "Crystallisation, Dielectric, Polar and Optical Characteristics of Li2B4O7-SrO-Bi2O3-Nb2O5 Glasses and Glass Nanocomposites" Physics and Chemistry of Glasses, 44 (5), 365-375.
- Nukavarapu SP, KBR Varma, Y Takahashi, Y Benino, T Fujiwara, T Komatsu (2003) "Evolution and Characterization of Fluorite-Like Nano-SrBi2Nb2O9 Phase in the SrO–Bi2O3–Nb2O5–Li2B4O7 Glass System" Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 173 (1), 209-215.
- Nukavarapu SP, KBR Varma (2002) "Nanocrystallization of SrBi2Nb2O9 from Glasses in the System Li2B4O7 SrO Bi2O3 Nb2O5" Materials Science and Engineering: B, 90 (3), 246-253.
- Nukavarapu SP, GN Subbanna, KBR Varma (2002) "Evolution of Ferroelectric SrBi 2 Nb 2 O 9 Phase in the Li 2 B 4 O 7-SrO-Bi 2 O 3-Nb 2 O 5 Glass System" Ferroelectrics, 281 (1), 135-150.
- Nukavarapu SP, KBR Varma (2001) "Dielectric, Structural and Ferroelectric Properties of Strontium Borate Glasses Containing Nanocrystalline Bismuth Vanadate" Journal of Materials Chemistry, 11 (7), 1912-1918.
- Nukavarapu SP, GN Subbanna, KBR Varma (2001) "Glass Nanocomposite of Strontium Bismuth Niobate and Lithium Borate: Structural and Dielectric Investigations" Materials Letters, 47 (1-2), 11-19.
- Nukavarapu SP, KBR Varma, SB Lang (2001) "Dielectric Anomaly in Strontium Borate–Bismuth Vanadate Glass Nanocomposite" Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 62 (7), 1299-1311.
- Nukavarapu SP, KBR Varma (2001) "Phase Evolution, Characterization, and Impedance Spectroscopic Analysis of Nanocrystalline SrBi2Nb2O9 in Glassy Li2B4O7 Matrix" Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 1 (4), 425-432.
74. US Patent #20100249931 A1
75. US Patent #20240408276 A1
Books, Book Chapters and Special Issues
79. Golebiowska AG, Kim HS, Camci-Unal G, Nukavarapu, SP. Integration of Technologies for Bone Tissue Engineering. Encyclopedia of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 2019.
80. Ming-Yeah H and Nukavarapu SP. Scaffolds for Cartilage Tissue Engineering. Handbook of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds: Volume 1, 211-244.
81. Spencer V, Illescas E, Maltes L, Kim H, Sathe V, Nukavarapu SP (2018) “Osteochondral Tissue Engineering: Translational Research and Turning Research into Products” Adv Exp Med Biol. 1058:373-390.
82. Joshi SU, Barbu RO, Carr-Reynolds M, Barnes B, Nukavarapu SP (2017) “Patient-derived and Intra-operatively formed Biomaterial for Tissue Engineering” Methods Mol Biol. 1553:265-272.
83. Stahl T, Anslip A, Lei L, Santos ND, Nwachuku E, DeBerardino T, Nukavarapu SP (2016) “Osteochondral Tissue Engineering: Non-invasive Assessment of Tissue Regeneration” in “Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Tissue Engineering” Eds. Kotecha, Magin and Mao Wiley, Chapter 12, 251-272.
84. Francois E, Dorcemus D, Nukavarapu SP (2015) “Biomaterials and Scaffolds for Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering” in “Engineering Musculoskeletal Tissues and Interfaces” Eds. Nukavarapu, Laurencin and Freeman, Woodhead Publishing, Chapter 1, 3-23.
85. Nukavarapu SP, Casettari L, Almobarak A, Luzzi A (2015) “Hydrogels: Cell Delivery and Tissue Regeneration” in “Encyclopedia of Biomedical Polymers and Polymeric Biomaterials” Eds. Mishra, CRC Press, 3841-3852.
86. Mikael P, Nukavarapu SP (2015) “Cell-Based Approaches for Bone Regeneration” in “Bone Graft Substitutes and Bone Regenerative Engineering” Eds. Laurencin and Jiang, ASTM, Chapter 6, 97-116.
87. Mikael P, Wallace J, Nukavarapu SP (2012) “Nanotubes for Tissue Engineering” in “Nanomedicine: Technologies and Applications” Eds. Webster, Woodhead Publishing. Chapter 16, 460-489.
88. Igwe J, Amini A, Mikael P, Laurencin C, Nukavarapu SP (2011) “Nanostructured Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering” in “Active Implants and Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering” Eds. Zilberman, Springer, 169-192.
89. Nukavarapu SP, Wallace J, Elgendy H, Lieberman J, Laurencin CT (2011) “Bone and Biomaterials” in “An Introduction to Biomaterials” Eds. Hollinger, CRC, Chapter 29, 571-593.
90. Nukavarapu SP, Kumbar SG, Nair LS, Laurencin CT (2008) “Nanostructures for Tissue Engineering/Regenerative Medicine" in “Biomedical Nanostructures, Eds. Gonsalves”, Laurencin, Halberstadt and Nair, John Wiley & Sons, Chapter 15, 377-407.
91. Nukavarapu SP, Kumbar SG, Merrell JG, Laurencin CT (2008) “Electrospun polymeric nanofiber scaffolds for tissue regeneration.” in “Nanotechnology and Tissue Engineering: The Scaffold”, Laurencin and Nair, Taylor & Francis, 199-219.