Biomaterials represent a principal component of tissue engineering along with tissue forming cells and growth factors. Biomaterials alone or in combination with cells and/or signaling molecules are being proposed in many tissue repair/regeneration strategies. However, it is challenging to develop biomaterials/grafts that are mechanically compatible and biologically similar to regenerating tissue. In this direction, TEST Lab has made advances by developing composite biomaterials with hydroxyapatite, functionalized carbon nanotubes, and biodegradable metals, such as magnesium and its alloys. Recently, TEST Lab has also demonstrated the use of autologous tissue as a potential source of biomaterials. Some of the current efforts in this area include the development of amorphous silica biomaterials and biomaterials design to program cells.
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Nanda HS, Thomas V, Nukavarapu SP, Boccaccini AR. "Biomaterials 2021: Future of Biomaterials," Curr Opin Biomed Eng., 18, 2021.
Dorcemus D, Kim H and Nukavarapu SP. (2020). "Gradient Scaffold with Spatial Growth Factor Profile for Osteochondral Interface Engineering," Biomedical Materials, 2021.
Mikael P, Golebiowska A, Kumbar SG, Nukavarapu SP. (2020). "Evaluation of autologously derived biomaterials and stem cells for bone tissue engineering," Tissue Engineering A, Online ahead of print.
Xu TO, Kim HS, Stahl T, Nukavarapu SP (2018) “Self-neutralizing PLGA/magnesium composites as novel biomaterials for tissue engineering” Biomed Mater. 13, 035013.
Francois E, Dorcemus D, Nukavarapu SP (2015) “Biomaterials and Scaffolds for Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering” in “Engineering Musculoskeletal Tissues and Interfaces”, Woodhead Publishing, 3-23.
Mikael P, Amini AR, Basu J, Arellano-Jimenez MJ, Laurencin CT, Sanders M, Carter BC, Nukavarapu SP (2014) “Functionalized Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Scaffolds for Bone Regenerative Engineering: Fabrication, In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation” Biomedical Materials., 9.
Nukavarapu et al., (2014). Advances in Structures, Properties and Applications of Biological and Bioinspired Materials: Volume 1621, Cambridge Press.